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TinyLauncher 2.0
Acest program va permite sa rulati jocuri Steam fara a avea Steam instalat, si chiar si fara conectiune la Internet. Se bazeaza pe Steam Emulatorul lui hCUPa pentru aproape orice.
Principalele caracteristici: Cod:
-Abilitatea de a juca orice joc disponibil pe Steam de acuma. -Asistenta pentru HL1 si Source. -Usor de updatat -Configuratii usoare -Greutate mica -Sursa deschisa
Cerinte: Cod:
-Windows 2000 sau mai mult. -Drive-uri NTFS (FAT este partial suportat, vezi mai jos) - Toate fisierele GCF necesare pentru a juca
Ghid rapid de Instalare: Cod:
-Metoda A: Fara Steam 1/ Despachetati TinyLauncher oriunde doriti (nu in folderul Steam) 2/ Copiati fisierele GCF in subfolderul TinyLauncher din steamapps 3/ Lansati TinyLauncher.exe 4/ Facet ice doriti cu Shortcuts-urile care au fost generate in subfolder ( mutati, redenumiti, schimbati icoana …)
-Metoda B : Cu Steam 1/ Despachetati TinyLauncher oriunde doriti ( nu in folderul Steam) 2/ Lansati TinyLauncher.exe , alegeti un director in care sa fie stocate fisierele GCF daca sunteti intrebat. 3/ Facet ice doriti cu Shortcuts-urile care au fost generate in subfolder ( mutati, redenumiti, schimbati icoana …)
Non-Limba Engleza: Cod:
Daca limba dumneavoastra nu este Engleza, deschideti TinyLauncher.ini si schimbati intrarea de limba.
FAT / No junction mode : Cod:
Acest mod este folositor pentru pentru oameni cu drivere FAT sau pentru cei care nu planuiesc sa foloseasca adevaratul client setam. Setup: 1/ Copiati fisierele GCF, NCF si folderul in subfolderul TinyLauncher SteamApps. 2/ Deschideti TinyLauncher.ini si adaugati “NoJunction=1” in sectiunea “Setari”.
Nota: Directorul SteamApps intrarea ini este ignorata in acel mod.
Nota Importanta: Cand nu sunteti in nici un junction mode, orice fisier din TinyLauncher SteamApps subfolder va fi sters. Fiti atenti, nu folositi acea functie daca nu stiti ce faceti !
Probleme: Cod:
-TinyLauncher nu porneste: -> Incercati sa instalati MS VC++ 2005 Runtime. Downlodati aici:
- Noile jocuri sunt afara sin u sunt recunoscute de TinyLauncher: -> Faceti rost de un fisier ClientRegistry.blob dintr-un update pe care steam l-a folosit cu un account fals. Copiati-l in folderul TinyLauncher scriind peste cel existent. Asta-I tot!
-De ce ia atat de mult sa lanseze un joc pentru prima data? -> TinyLauncher trebuie sa extracteze fisiere din fisierele GCF.
TinyLauncher 2.0
This program allows you to run Steam games without installing Steam, and even without an Internet connection. It heavily relies on hCUPa's Steam Emulator for almost everything.
Its main features are : Cod:
- Ability to play every single game available on Steam as of now. - Support for HL1 and Source mods. - Multilanguage support. - Easily updatable - Easy configuration - Lightweight - Open Source
Requirements : Cod:
- Windows 2000 or above - NTFS Formatted drive (FAT is partially supported, see below) - All the GCF files needed to play
Quick install guide : Cod:
- Method A : Without Steam 1/ Unzip TinyLauncher whereever you want (NOT in your Steam folder) 2/ Copy your GCF files in the steamapps subfolder of TinyLauncher 3/ Run TinyLauncher.exe 4/ Do what you want with the shortcuts that have been generated in the Shortcuts subfolder (move, rename, change icon ...)
- Method B : With Steam 1/ Unzip TinyLauncher whereever you want (NOT in your Steam folder) 2/ Run TinyLauncher.exe, choose your the path where your GCF files are stored when asked to. 3/ Do what you want with the shortcuts that have been generated in the Shortcuts subfolder (move, rename, change icon ...)
Non English Language : Cod:
If your language is not English, open the TinyLauncher.ini file and change the language entry.
FAT / No junction mode : Cod:
This mode is useful for people with FAT formatted drives or who don't plan to use the real setam client. Setup : 1/ Copy your GCF, NCF files and your common folder to TinyLauncher's "SteamApps" subfolder. 2/ Open the TinyLauncher.ini file and add "NoJunction=1" in the "Settings" section.
NOTE : SteamAppsPath ini entry is ignored in that mode.
IMPORTANT NOTE : When not in no junction mode, any file in TinyLauncher's "SteamApps" subfolder will be deleted. Be careful, don't use that function if you don't know what you do !
Troubleshooting : Cod:
- TinyLauncher doesn't run : -> Try to install MS VC++ 2005 Runtime. Download here :
- New games are out and are not recognized by TinyLauncher : -> Get a ClientRegistry.blob file from an updated steam client used with a blank account. Copy it to TinyLauncher's folder, overwriting the existing one. That's all !
- Why does it take so long to launch a game for the first time ? -> TinyLauncher has to extract files from the GCF files.
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ehhe tata bine de stiut 

Onoare, e Ceva ce multă lume n-are, e Toți se calcă în picioare Doar pentru atâtea lucruri fără valoare
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bravo !
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