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Member Din: Palermo (Italy)
Inregistrat: acum 12 ani
Postari: 66
A Project by RENEDARK-TEAM 2014
Fisiere: cfg,reg, bonus sounds gfx..
Modificat de vlady286 (acum 11 ani)
_______________________________________ if you had one shot, or one opportunity To seize everything you ever wanted in one moment Would you capture it or just let it slip? EMIN3M
pus acum 11 ani
Inregistrat: acum 11 ani
Postari: 24
Bun Multumesc! GJ
pus acum 11 ani
Member Din: Palermo (Italy)
Inregistrat: acum 12 ani
Postari: 66
Multumesc mai astept pareri
_______________________________________ if you had one shot, or one opportunity To seize everything you ever wanted in one moment Would you capture it or just let it slip? EMIN3M
pus acum 11 ani
Respected Member Din: Bucuresti, Baicului
Inregistrat: acum 13 ani
Postari: 482 grabesc putin acuma testez si iti las raspunsul pe seara
EDIT: Merita incercat, buna treaba la mai multe !!
Modificat de ReDuLxxx (acum 11 ani)
_______________________________________ Muzica ma tine-n viata Iar voi mi-ati aratat ca Desi nu pot sa stau Drept in fata voastra Pentru voi sunt ca un zid Ce n-o sa cada niciodata
pus acum 11 ani
Member Din: Palermo (Italy)
Inregistrat: acum 12 ani
Postari: 66
ok sper sa iti placa am muncit mult la el
_______________________________________ if you had one shot, or one opportunity To seize everything you ever wanted in one moment Would you capture it or just let it slip? EMIN3M
pus acum 11 ani
Inregistrat: acum 11 ani
Postari: 17
New link asta nu mai e bun .
pus acum 11 ani
Member Din: Palermo (Italy)
Inregistrat: acum 12 ani
Postari: 66
Linkul Merge
Modificat de vlady286 (acum 11 ani)
_______________________________________ if you had one shot, or one opportunity To seize everything you ever wanted in one moment Would you capture it or just let it slip? EMIN3M
pus acum 11 ani
Pe lista neagra
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Postari: 51
Incerc revin cu edit!
pus acum 11 ani
Din: `Arab, Jizan, Saudi Arabia
Inregistrat: acum 13 ani
Postari: 10
Revin cu edit
_______________________________________ `Arab, Jizan, Saudi Arabia I`m here !
pus acum 11 ani
Member Din: Palermo (Italy)
Inregistrat: acum 12 ani
Postari: 66
Toti revin cu edit si nimeni nu mai scrie@ReDuLxxx mersi
_______________________________________ if you had one shot, or one opportunity To seize everything you ever wanted in one moment Would you capture it or just let it slip? EMIN3M
pus acum 11 ani
Inregistrat: acum 11 ani
Postari: 5
bun baga mai multe
pus acum 11 ani
Member Din: Palermo (Italy)
Inregistrat: acum 12 ani
Postari: 66
bRayn. a scris:
bun baga mai multe
Nu e in nici un caz primul meu config pe profilul meu la postari vezi ce am mai pus.. am sa mai pun ma bucur ca iti place..
_______________________________________ if you had one shot, or one opportunity To seize everything you ever wanted in one moment Would you capture it or just let it slip? EMIN3M
pus acum 11 ani
Member Inregistrat: acum 12 ani
Postari: 50
link ?
pus acum 11 ani
VIP *NEW* Din: craiova
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Postari: 422
vreau si eu modelele pls
_______________________________________ bY PeRFuZiE[;x] Steam ID:kaanreis35 ID Mess:perfuzie.perfuzie
pus acum 11 ani
Member Din: Palermo (Italy)
Inregistrat: acum 12 ani
Postari: 66
justinwolf a scris:
link ?
Linkul Merge
PeRFuZiE_cEL_MiK a scris:
vreau si eu modelele pls
Fac un upload la modele si revin cu link..
Modificat de vlady286 (acum 11 ani)
_______________________________________ if you had one shot, or one opportunity To seize everything you ever wanted in one moment Would you capture it or just let it slip? EMIN3M
pus acum 11 ani
Member Din: Palermo (Italy)
Inregistrat: acum 12 ani
Postari: 66
Scuze de double post dar nu stiu dc nu mergea edit spunea activate cokiess
_______________________________________ if you had one shot, or one opportunity To seize everything you ever wanted in one moment Would you capture it or just let it slip? EMIN3M